The Developing Collaboration of Local mass Media Operation in Health Area 2.
Development of Premature pregnant Prevention Model for Teenage in Khek Noi Subdistrict, Khao Khlo District, Phetchabun Province Thai Mental Health Area 2.
Effectiveness of Community Participatory Programs for Suicide Prevention Health Area 2.
The Study of Behavioral and Emotional For School – age Child Among Risk Group of Intelligence Disability,Learning Disability, Hyperactivity and Autism at Health Area 2.
Factors Influencing Suicide A Case Study at Health Area 2.
Effectiveness of 5 dimensional Happiness Programs for elderly A Case Study at Tha-Pla District, Uttaradit Province Health Area 2.
The Study of Caregiver’s Problems for Their Relative with Mental illness at Health Area 2.
The Study Early Child Development A Case Study at Sukhsala Phrarachathan (District Health Promotion Hospital) Health Area 2.
The Effects of Happiness Program in the workplace : A Case Study of CPF – Thailand Public Company limited ( Production of Animal feed Phitsanulok)
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